FileZilla is a free and open source application that Libsyn recommends for using FTP. This article provides detailed steps about how to set up FileZilla to connect to your Libsyn account so you can upload and publish episodes using FTP.
Note Before you can set up FileZilla, you need to create an FTP password that is different from the password you use to sign in to Libsyn. For more information about setting up your FTP password, see Create or Change an FTP Password. |
Set up FileZilla
- Download and install FileZilla and then open the program.
- Click File and then select Site Manager from the menu that appears. The Site Manager window opens.
- Click New site.
- In the Select entry pane, change the name of the new site to Libsyn FTP, or to whatever name you want to call your connection.
- In the General tab on the right, enter the following information:
Protocol Select FTP - File Transfer Protocol. Host Enter Port FileZilla will likely enter this information for you automatically. If it doesn't, enter one of the following: 21 (if you're using non-SSL) or 990 (if you're using SSL). Encryption Select Use explicit FTP over TLS if available. Logon Type Select Normal. User Enter the email address you use to log in to Libsyn. Password Enter the FTP password that you created. Note that this password is not the same password you use to log in to Libsyn. - Click OK.
- If the Remember passwords? window opens, we recommend you select Save passwords and click OK.
You're now ready to connect to your Libsyn account and start using FTP for uploading and publishing episodes.
Connect FileZilla to Your Libsyn Account
You can now connect to your Libsyn account whenever you open FileZilla. To do so:
- Click the
icon in the upper-left of FileZilla to open the Site Manager window.
- In the Select entry pane, click Libsyn FTP (or whatever you named your connection).
- Click Connect.
Now that you're connected, you can use the folders in FileZilla to upload and publish episodes, or to upload other materials. For more information about how to use those folders, see Use FTP to Upload or Publish Your Episodes.