You can connect your show to Blogger, one of the world's leading content management platforms.
To do so:
- Click the
icon in the top of your Libsyn account to display the Settings page.
- Click Destinations.
- In the Add New table, in the row for Blogger OnPublish, click Add to open the Blogger OnPublish page. (OnPublish is a Libsyn publishing feature that publishes your episodes directly to Blogger.)
- Click Sign in with Blogger.
- Choose your Google Account.
- Click Allow, so Libsyn can access your Google Account.
The Blogger OnPublish page redisplays:
- Complete the following fields:
Link Text Enter the name you want for the link that listeners can use to download your episode. For example, you can enter Check out this episode! Labels Choose genre labels for your podcast. For example, your podcast might focus on Crime, History, or Culture. Publish Link Use this field to specify which link you want to use to give your listeners access to your episode. Select either Directory Link, Episode Permalink, or Download URL. - Click Save to save your changes. (By clicking Save you are also agreeing to the terms of service and Google's Privacy Policy.)
Blogger OnPublish displays in your list of destinations on the Destinations Settings page with a status of Connected.
If the Connected status ever changes to Update, there is a problem with the connection from Libsyn to your Blogger account. Click Edit to navigate to the Blogger OnPublish Destination Settings page. If an error displays to inform you that the Auth token has expired, click Sign in to reconnect your account and approve all the permissions, and then click Save to save your settings.