If you already have a website, you probably already own a domain and are likely using that root domain with that website. For example, you might have a blog titled "My Awesome Blog" which can be found using your domain: http://www.myawesomeblog.com
If you have your podcast and don't already have a website, you can purchase a domain from an accredited domain registrar and add that root domain to your Libsyn show. This will allow you to use that custom domain with your Libsyn RSS feed and Libsyn Podcast Website.
If you are already using a root domain on a website, you cannot use that domain with your Libsyn show, but you can use a subdomain, such as http://podcast.myawesomeblog.com.
There is a $2 per month fee for hosting a custom root domain or subdomain with Libsyn. (This fee is waived if you registered your domain with Pair Domains. See Purchase a Custom Domain from Pair Domains.)
To add a custom root domain or subdomain to your Libsyn account:
- Click the
icon in the top of your Libsyn account to display the Settings page.
- Click Website to display the Website Settings page. See Set Up Your Libsyn Podcast Website.
- In the Website URL field, select Use my own Domain.
- In the box that displays below the Website URL field, enter your root domain or subdomain name. Do not include http/s or www in your entry.
- Click Add.
The root domain or subdomain name displays below the Website URL field.
- Click Delete to delete a domain. You will be asked to confirm.
- Click Make Primary to set a domain as your default URL for the L5 site and RSS feeds. (Only displays if you have more than one custom domain listed.)
to copy the link to your clipboard after a domain name has been added.
- Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to add multiple custom domains. There is a $2/month charge for each domain name you add. Upon saving, you will be immediately billed for the remainder of the current month, and then monthly on the first of each month.
- Complete any required fields in the Website Settings page.
- Click Save.
After a Success message displays at the top of the page, a message displays beneath the URL(s) informing you that your custom domain was added and instructing you how to point your root domain(s) or subdomain(s) to Libsyn.
Pointing Your Root Domain to Libsyn
To point a root domain to Libsyn, you must update the nameservers. Nameservers are like the post office of the internet. The nameserver keeps a record of where your domain is, much like a post office knows your house address in relationship to a physical location. When a website visitor types your website address into a browser, their computer connects to the internet and asks the question, Where is this domain? Your name server will respond back saying The domain is right over here; let me load it for you. For your website to work, the best configuration is to point your nameservers at your domain registrar to Libsyn.
For a root domain, your nameservers should be the following:
- ns1.libsyn.com
- ns2.libsyn.com
- ns3.libsyn.com
- ns4.libsyn.com
Important Nameserver updates take anywhere from 24-48 hours to take full effect. During this time, some visitors will see the change, while others may not. If you are migrating from an old website over to Libsyn, keep your old site online to prevent downtime during the switch. |
Pointing Your Subdomain to Libsyn
The best way to point to a root domain is to update your nameservers, as explained earlier. This points the entire domain, so you can control that domain from one place.
When pointing to a subdomain, however, you are only pointing a single piece of the domain to Libsyn. Your root domain will remain where it is. In that case, instead of updating nameservers, you must use a specific custom DNS record to point that subdomain to Libsyn. You can do this with either a CNAME record (recommended) or an A Name record.
Add a CNAME record for your subdomain pointing to web-proxy.libsyn.com.
A Record
You can point to either of these IP addresses:
Mail and Other Records
If you are pointing your domain to Libsyn's name servers and want to use email or other specialized services requiring updates to custom DNS records, please reach out to our support team. They can put those records in place for you.