To view the detail page for a call, go to your Connect Call List and click on the row for a call. See View Your Connect Call List.

About the Media Files
The left side of the page contains the media files, which include the following elements:
Download All Files |
Click to download all the individual tracks into a zipped file. Once clicked, a progress bar will appear. Cancel the download at any point by clicking the Cancel button. Downloaded files are in WAV format. |
Recording # | The first recording you make during a call will be in a folder called Recording 1. If you make additional recordings during the same call, they will be in folders called Recording 2, Recording 3, etc. Expand a folder to view its contents. |
Master Track | By default, the first track is a combined master track recording of all attendees in the call. |
Individual Participant Tracks |
If the host selected individual tracks when setting up the recording, you’ll find separate tracks for each participant in the call, for easier editing. See Set Up a Recording in Connect. |
Waveforms |
The height of the waveforms in each track indicates the volume of the recording at the time indicated by the numbers at the bottom of the track. You can use them to help you visually identify when someone was speaking, which helps you determine where to trim or make adjustments when editing. |
Click to mute the volume on the track. |
Click to play the track. |
Click to reload the track and reset it to the beginning. |
Click to download the track as an audio file. Individual audio files recorded in Connect are in WAV format and recorded in 44100khz sample rate. Master tracks are available for download in both WAV and MP3 format. |
About the Session Info
The right side of the page contains the session info, which includes the following:
Push to Libsyn |
Click Push to Libsyn to enter your episode details and proceed to publishing your episode in Libsyn. If you have multiple recordings, select the one you want to add to Libsyn and press Go. See About Your Episode Details. This button is only visible to the call's host. |
Join Now | Click to navigate to the Join Call page. See Use the Join Call Page in Connect. (Disabled for calls that have ended.) |
Edit | Click to edit the call details. (Disabled for calls that have ended.) |
Delete | Click to delete the call. (Disabled if you were not the host) You will be asked to confirm. Deleted calls are moved to the trash can, which you can access by clicking Deleted Calls under the |
Host | Displays the name of the call host. |
Guests | Displays the email addresses for all invited guests. |
Preference Settings | Indicates whether the following options were selected when the call was set up:
Copy Link to Session | Click to copy a direct link to the session to your clipboard. |
Call Start | Displays the time the call started (and whether it was different from the scheduled time). See Set Up a Recording in Connect. |
Duration | Lists the total length of the call. |
Recordings | Lists the total length of the master recording made during the call. |
Attendance | Displays the names of the people who joined the call. |
Call Notes | Click to display a popup with the call notes. Click Download to download the call notes to your computer. |
View Chat History | Click to display a popup with the chat history. |
Use a Connect Recording in Libsyn
Connect Calls are automatically saved in Libsyn so you can publish them as podcast episodes without editing them. The combined master track for each recording you make during a call is saved as a separate MP3 file in your Media Library. See Use Your Media Library.
Note Audio files recorded with Connect do not count toward your monthly storage in Libsyn. See Understand How Your Monthly Storage Works. |
Get Help with Connect
Click the Connect Support link at the bottom of a Call Details page if you have questions or want to leave feedback specifically about Connect.