With Apple Podcasts Subscriptions, you can charge your Apple listeners a subscription fee to access your premium content. Premium options could include ad-free listening, subscriber-only content, and early access.
Note When publishing a subscriber episode to Apple Podcasts through Libsyn, the only compatible file type is MP3. |
Set up your Apple Podcasts / Libsyn Classic Feed to submit to Apple Podcasts under your own Apple ID. See Submit Your Show to Apple Podcasts.
Please set up only one feed to submit to Apple Podcasts. Apple subscriptions are designed to be an integrated experience so listeners can access both free and paid content from the same show page.
- If you have previously chosen the option to have Libsyn submit your show to Apple Podcasts directly, you must contact Apple Podcasts Support to transfer show ownership in Apple Podcasts Connect to your own Apple ID.
To set up Apple Podcasts Subscriptions in Libsyn:
Click the
icon at the top of your Libsyn account to display the Settings page.
Click Apple Podcasts Subscriptions to display the Apple Podcasts Subscriptions page.
Click Get an Apple ID to create an Apple ID if you don’t have one.
Click Create Subscription to create or sign in to your Apple Podcasts Connect account and join the Apple Podcasters Program.
- Complete your agreement with Apple Podcasts, including contact, tax, and banking information.
Set up subscription information with Apple for your show or channel (for multiple shows).
On Libsyn's Apple Podcasts Subscriptions page, click Get API Key to generate and download an API key file from Apple to your computer.
Do not change the file name. The file name includes the provider ID and your key ID, which is needed for Apple authorization.
Click Upload API Key.
Browse your computer and select your API key file. The file type is P8.
Click Open to upload the file.
- You are now connected and ready to publish subscriber episodes. See Publish a Subscriber Episode to Apple Podcasts.
Click Delete File if you want to delete your API key file.
- Optionally, you can choose to add your existing episodes to the subscription. This will create subscription versions of all of your past and future episodes. If you have dynamic ads on these episodes, the subscription versions will no longer have dynamic ads, but the free versions will.